
Fueling the growth of aspiring

leaders & peak performers.

The Deep End of life is where the magic happens.

Those who summon the courage to seek out The Deep End of life experience accelerated learning, growth, peak performance, and impact.”

The question then becomes; “how do I find my Deep End of life?” and “once I summon the courage to jump in, how can I ensure I have the tools to survive for as long as possible?”

Equipping leaders and athletes with these answers is the work of The Human Performance Project.



The Human Performance Project was founded out of a desire to educate, equip and guide the next generation of leaders, athletes, students, and educators with a holistic approach to understanding ourselves, setting goals, achieving peak performance and growing our self-belief, resilience & confidence.

From young corporate leaders to high-performance athletes and groups of students and educators – the Human Performance Project provides individuals and groups with the map, compass and toolset to navigate decisions in life, persevere through adversity, and intentionally reflect on what they are learning about themselves along the way.

This is accomplished through the following two experiences facilitated through the Human Performance Project.

The Deep End Mindset™ Workshop – The Deep End Mindset is a facilitated workshop that guides participants through an interactive experience where we establish a framework for navigating the big decisions and experiences in life which include:

  • Build your FOUNDATION – You cannot chart a path to The Deep End until you know who we are based on where you’ve come from. Your Foundation is the bedrock of self-belief and motivation that will keep you going when times get hard… And they will.
  • Escape your Comfort Zone with GOAL SETTING – Once you are standing on a solid Foundation, we can use goal setting to generate the escape velocity necessary to move from your Comfort Zone to the High Dive.
  • Redefine your RELATIONSHIP WITH FEAR– When you align your goals with your Foundation, you earn the opportunity to redefine your relationship with fear. Using fear as your light to guide you up to the top of The High Dive where your dreams await.
  • Survive the Deep End and the WAR OF ATTRITION– Once you’ve made the leap, it is all about who can survive the longest. Winning the War of Attrition in pursuit of your goals and aspirations is all about having the right energy, attention and performance rituals.
  • Reflect, Learn & Grow through THE PAUSE– Just like a weightlifter training to get stronger, the growth does not occur when we are pushing our limits in The Deep End, but rather when we intentionally pause to recover, reflect, unpack and integrate our learnings from the journey.

The Human Performance Lab™ – The Human Performance Lab takes the concepts and framework of The Deep End Mindset™ and puts them into action through a guided 30-60-90 day intensive 1:1 coaching programs. The HPL 1:1 Coaching Program provides an intensive daily framework to get hands-on practice with the pillars of the Deep End Mindset.

The Deep End Mindset™ Workshop

The Deep End Mindset™ Workshop

The Deep End Mindset Workshop is a facilitated session equipping participants with a framework to identify and articulate core values, set effective goals, redefine their relationship to fear, build resilience and grit in the face of adversity and develop deeper levels of self-confidence and belief through intentional reflection.

The Human Performance Lab

The Human Performance Lab is a 30 day, 1:1, high intensity human and leadership development for aspiring leaders. The HPL is designed to immerse participants in a tailored program to help level up physiology (energy, focus, attention and resilience) while simultaneously engaging in a facilitated reflection process to deepen core values and sharpen business and leadership strategy.



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